Streamline operations and grow your business

Edge computing is changing the modern economy. This means your organization needs to change too. Infrastructure impacts the productivity of digital technology investments. Do more than keep pace. Find competitive advantage from technology with Red Hat.

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RH Summit and Ansiblefest

Industrial sector news from Red Hat Summit

Transpower New Zealand unlocks capabilities to modernize and scale critical infrastructure in real-time

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Lean into the revolution

Industrial sector organizations are in the midst of a revolution, a fundamental shift in how their businesses are run. Yet, to optimize methods of doing business, companies need a way to connect new innovations to legacy technology.

Red Hat has 20 years of experience integrating these two worlds, modernizing them so they work better, together. Linking the reliability of production to the economies of the cloud, Red Hat simplifies operations that are increasingly reliant on technology, securing them right to the edge.

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Illustration of a car factory

Red Hat + Partners

ABB logo

ABB and Red Hat on the industrial edge

A partnership enabling customers to better harness applications deployed flexibly from the edge to the cloud.

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Partnerships are critical for successfully modernizing your organization and driving innovation. Red Hat provides a reliable foundation for our large, certified partner ecosystem to thrive.

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